As a content creator and author of the International Best Seller, "The Blind Girl Sees, Seeing Through The Heart and Not The Eyes", I believe in the power of life's lessons to transform our lives in positive ways. I've built my career around the essence of my experiences, including embracing visual impairment at age 50 with courage, strength, resiliency and gratitude. I draw from my passion and purpose in order to turn adversity into wisdom to support and nurture others facing their own unique struggles.
Work With Me
'The biggest discovery I have ever made was that being blind isn't a disability at all; it was my former sighted life of 50yrs. that truly was my biggest disadvantage. Thank goodness I learned to see differently."
COMMON QUESTIONS about 'Navigating Life's Storms '
" Is this course suitable if I am dealing with significant emotional challenges?"
I truly believe that Navigating LIfe's Storms is suitable to help everyone dealing with significant struggles, setbacks and adversities. This course is about finding ways to adapt to our challenges, manage our mindset, embrace the positive possibilities and celebrate the future with optimism. This is what will set you apart from the challenges you have been facing. Working with a professional doctor or therapist should also be considered when dealing with significant emotional challenges.
I too, have committed to many self empowering courses and what I found was that most were about 'telling' me what to do to feel better. What makes this course different, is it's more about 'guiding and showing' you how you will be better. Through various methods, strategies, techniques, exercises, proven tips, personal discovery questionnaires, and habit forming routines you will have an experiential experience. Everyone absorbs information differently and this course takes all that into consideration.
By fully engaging in Navigating LIfe's Storms, you will quickly recognize a new person emerging. Like the phoenix from the ashes, you will rise up to any challenge as a strong, resilient and purposeful individual. You will think differently, feel differently, believe differently, act and behave differently. You will look into the mirror and see someone you adore, love and respect. You will stand strong as a resilient person who sees that living a happy life is completely achievable.